I've decided to take the plunge and apply for licensing as 'The Red Queen Cakery'! My friend Don has agreed to partner with me and get this show on the road.
I've greatly enjoyed learning the art of cake and while I am still very much an amateur compared to many out there, I think I'm off to a good start. I've worked to perfect some really good recipes and designs and with the response my friends and their friends and their friends have given me, I'm ready to move forward... on a small scale.
So, the plan is for us to use some local Arts and Farmer's markets to setup, test the water, and begin to build a following.
What do you think about these:
Creme de Menthe cuppies. These are dark chocolate with creamy mint bits and a minty cookie surprise inside. They're covered with a generous swirl of minty buttercream and drizzled with a super-yummy ganache. I ate one of these with some vanilla ice cream and they were 'to die for'! I think these are going on the menu.
The Banana Split cuppies are my favorites so far. Delicious banana flavored cake with banana pieces baked inside. There's a tunnel of strawberry cream cheese filling tucked away inside and they're topped with a Very vanilla buttercream with toasted pecans and fudge ganache on top... and of course topped off with a cherry and a bit of pineapple. *Drool*
Rocky Road also turned out to be a big hit. Brownie bottom fudge cuppies topped with Very Vanilla buttercream and atop that is a fun mixture of pecans, marshmallows, and chocolate chips and again, drizzled with ganache. YUM!
Ah, the Drumstick cuppies! Talk about a throwback to yummy goodness of my childhood (and adulthood!). Very vanilla cake with a chocolate fudge lava center and topped with Very vanilla buttercream. These were then dipped in a super rich ganache and topped with sugar cone pieces and peanuts. Mmmmboy! Delicious.
I'll be sharing more with you all and we progress. Don had some really great banners made for us to use on our booth at the market, I'll post some pictures later and update you. We've got our business cards made, t-shirts, and packaging. We'll be peddling gourmet cupcakes, truffles, and decorated cookies and will take orders for specialty cakes.
As we move more forward into a business mindset, we'll likely convert redqueencakery.com into an actual storefront display website and use the blog as an avenue to communicate with you all. I'm nervous and super-excited!
Check back later for updates!
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